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Good Reads

A Minor Apocalypse and When the Levees Break

A Minor Apocalypse: Warsaw during the First World War

Robert Blobaum

A Minor Apocalypse: Warsaw during the First World War book cover

Little is known about the history of Warsaw, Poland, during World War I. Public memory of Warsaw’s role in the Great War has been obscured by the terror, violence, genocide and physical destruction during World War II. Blobaum constructs a social history of Warsaw that includes comparisons to other countries, to World War II, and the role of gender and ethnicity in this first history of Warsaw to ever appear in English.

When the Levees Break: Re-visioning Regulation of the Securities Markets

Karen Kunz, Associate Professor of Public Administration
Jena Martin, Law Professor

When the Levees Break book cover

In this new book, Kunz and Martin argue that an ineffective “top-down patchwork” of regulations will not save the United States’ economy from the next big and inevitable financial crisis. Instead they call for building an entirely new, mostly automated, system to govern the stock market and prevent future crashes.